
Today’s Inspiration is a line from the little Prince

“That is the most difficult thing of all. It is far more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself correctly, then you are truly a man of wisdom.”

What is judging in the large sense of the word?

A judgment is an opinion or decision based on evidence, feelings, and perception. the feeling of entitlement and righteousness that might lead to draw a bigger picture than the situation itself. It is standing above the all-round space of oneself and others that allow us to better conceive the ideas and receive the vibes circulating around this situation. Judges, generally, study the case from all aspects and make sense out of feelings. When you are judged, you try to plead guilty or innocent on a case you are charged against. There is no other interpretation of this situation. Judges often run for deliberation for a more common-sense verdict. The jury is selected based on their backgrounds and field of knowledge and therefore, their verdict is taken into account. The judgment thereafter is no longer an embodiment of one’s feelings and analysis, it is a combination of many common-sense feelings and thoughts.